dijous, 3 de desembre del 2015


 My friends are:Ballu, Timeea, Saida, Noura, Salma (my twin), Judit and Dikra and Patri.

Ballu, Timeea and Noura are the same town: Sant Pere, they are a very good friends, always help me in my bad moments, they have a year older than me.Ballu, is an african girl, Timeea is from Romania and Noura is marrocain. When they are together we become crazy, are the best moments.Sometimes we fight over nonsesne, but is tipical in friendships.

Salma, Dikra, Saida and Judit are my friends from Castelló d'Empúries, i have fun with them doing nothing.

Patri it is a very precius friend because it is my childhood friend. 




dimarts, 27 d’octubre del 2015

Wedding party in the water

Wedding party in the water


A camera captured a funny moment in Minnesota. It showed a wedding party on a dock.
There were 22 people there and the dock was small. The dock collapsed. A couple of bridesmaids ran away, but the rest of the people were in waist-deep water.
As the guests arrived for the wedding, the wedding party was still wet.
Difficult words: party (group of people who go somewhere together), collapse (fall), bridesmaid (woman who helps the bride on her wedding day).

Dock: Muelle
Bridesmaids: Dames d'honor.
Plunge: Sumergirse 

Multiple inteligences

My 3 top inteligences are:
Interpersonal: Actor, Psychologist and Nurse (infermera)
Intrapersonal: Owner (propietària), Small Buisness (Petita empressa), Personal Counselor (consellera personal)
Music: Singer, Voice Actor.

dimarts, 6 d’octubre del 2015



This is my hero, Abdellah.
He is my father.
He likes meeting with friends,  going to run and helping me.
He doesn’t like lies, disturbance and disorder
He is a truck driver
He is careless, generous and hard-working.
His challenge is mantain the family and see me happy.
His solution is work and make an effort.

He is my hero because he encourages me and always makes me happy.

dilluns, 28 de setembre del 2015


  • -Go to Japan. 
  • -Attend to New York fashion week.
  • -Puenting
  • -Be famous.
  • -Meet to Drake.
  • -Open a bakery with my sister.
  • -Shoot an action film.
  • -Help a poor people.
  • -Merry with a rich man.
  • -Create a family.