dimarts, 31 de maig del 2016


The second day in Italy we went to visit Florencia, first we went to see the Duomo, we have been queuing for an hour, then we climbed 300 stairs,  the views Were very nice because it looked all Florenca.
After that my friends and i we go to Lunch, we shared a Pizza because it as cheaper. Then we went for a walk and ate ice cream.
I also had a fight with my friends Dikra and Judit but it was a nonsense. Then at the night we got to the Fontana de trevi, a beautiful place, there were a lot of peolple it was impossible to move, i taked a lot of photos and then we go to eat a ice cream again.


Differences between the book and the film

In the film they have guns and in the book they have swords, then, the film is recorded at present and in the book is in the Middle Ages. In the film The Prince is the police. In the book the news arrived with letters and in the film with Tv. Marcutio in the book is white and in the film is black, the other difference, in the book Mantua is a town and in the film is a desert. In the film Romeo cry for Juliet and in the book fight with Paris.
In the book Juliet kills herself with a dagger and in the film with a gun. In the film Marcutio is gay and in the book no. And finaly in the book the familys check hands and in the film no.


dimarts, 3 de maig del 2016

Birthday Saida


Last Friday we celebrate the birthday of Saida, we prepared a surprise party, first we ate ''Cuscus'' at home Dikra, then we ate a cacke wich prepared Esther and finaly danced. At 4 a'clock we went on bus to Figueres, to the fair, it was very fun, but unfortunately broke the phono of Saida, hit the ground. After that at 8 a'clock we found Timeea, Ballu, Noura and more friends, and we go to make a trouble.

At 12 a,clock i went to my home because my grandfather had arrived of Morroco.